Jack the Ripper
was a fantastic show for the Society. The entire cast
enjoyed every moment of rehearsals and the performances themselves - and that,
for us, is the biggest success we can have!
Ticket sales were not as great
as we hoped (around 70%), but those who saw it enjoyed the
enthusiasm of the cast and seemed to agree that this was one of our most
professional looking productions. This is a huge compliment to the production
team, Trevor and Malcolm, and to the cast themselves. Photos
of the show are below...
For Havering Music
Makers' production of Jack the Ripper:
Director - Trevor Laver
Musical Director - Malcolm Swan
There are many tales of the events that occurred in Whitechapel in 1888 when a
man who came to be known as Jack the Ripper prowled the streets. Few of these
tales have been told through song, melodrama and dance. Ron Pember’s Jack the
Ripper tells the story of Jack the Ripper via a lively and thoroughly entertaining musical. The songs are all in the old-tyme style and there are many
laughs and jokes...but there’s also a man on the loose...and remember, “The
Ripper’s gonna getcha if you don’t watch out…”
The Dress Rehearsal Photos (© David Hughes Photography)
Book & Lyrics by RON PEMBER and DENIS DE MARNE
This amateur production is presented by arrangement with Samuel French Limited
Havering Music Makers are an amateur society affiliated to The National Operatic
and Dramatic Association and acknowledge the support of Havering Arts