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Registered Charity Number 1170955

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Get your tickets...
Our next production will be our summer musical, Shrek The Musical. Tickets will be on sale shortly

Did you attend...
..... The Wind in the Willows? The audience reactions were fantastic! Did you see any of our shows? We'd love to know what you thought. Drop us an email by clicking here

What's next for HMM?

....HMM's next production is SHREK THE MUSICAL in July. Tickets will be on sales soon. WATCH THIS SPACE! 

Get Social with us and tell us what you think! 
Have you seen an HMM show recently? It'd be fantastic if you'd give us a shout out on our social media and let us know about it. Follow us on Facebook (Havering Music Makers) Instagram (HaveringMusic), TikTok @haveringmusicmakers, Threads @haveringmusic

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If you want to keep-up-to date with everything HMM, why not join our mailing list and be the first to know what shows and events we're doing. Simply complete this short form or send your email or postal address to

How To Join!

Havering Music Makers is a Musical Theatre group presenting shows and staged concerts. We have performed many of the classic musicals and have also enjoyed performing a number of the lesser known musicals. A full list of our past shows can be found here

We're always happy to hear from new members, both on and off stage. We currently have around 40 members; some have been with the Society for twenty years or more while others are just taking part in their first show.

As always, new members are welcome in all categories, from the back row of the chorus to leading roles - and if you haven't been on stage before, no worries. As long as you can hold a tune and can do some very basic movement, you can be on stage in no time!

We're also delighted to welcome you if you'd like to work backstage on our shows, or help with props and costume

If you'd like to know more, or want to join, you can email our Membership Secretary, Joyce Warwick at and we'll be in touch right away. If you give us a phone number we can call you.

There will be times in the year where we are not far from performing that we may not be able to accept new members, but you are always welcome to come down to a rehearsal to see what we're like and what we're all about! And you can then join for the next show!!

We rehearse on Tuesday and Thursday nights at Tweed Way Hall, Tweed Way, Rise Park, RM1 4AZ.

Although most of our shows need adults only (age 16 upwards), there may be opportunities for younger children in some of our shows.

Interested but not sure? Have a FREE SAMPLE! Come and try a few rehearsals before making up your mind.

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