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Registered Charity Number 1170955

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Get your tickets...
Our next production will be our summer musical, Shrek The Musical. Tickets will be on sale shortly

Did you attend...
..... The Wind in the Willows? The audience reactions were fantastic! Did you see any of our shows? We'd love to know what you thought. Drop us an email by clicking here

What's next for HMM?

....HMM's next production is SHREK THE MUSICAL in July. Tickets will be on sales soon. WATCH THIS SPACE! 

Get Social with us and tell us what you think! 
Have you seen an HMM show recently? It'd be fantastic if you'd give us a shout out on our social media and let us know about it. Follow us on Facebook (Havering Music Makers) Instagram (HaveringMusic), TikTok @haveringmusicmakers, Threads @haveringmusic

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Committee & Honours Board

The Current Committee


These are the people who look after the Society and ensure that we are fulfilling our potential! They are all members of the group and come from a variety of backgrounds - not necessarily relating to their positions! 

Elected Members of the Executive Committee for 2024/25


Chair - 

Paula Harris Brett (e-mail)
                                                                                                     Vice Chair - Joyce Warwick (e-mail)

Secretary -

Lauren Ghost (e-mail)

Members' Representatives - 

Sophie Clark (e-mail)
  Sam Knight (e-mail)
  Katie Manuel (e-mail)
  Ami Harman-Robinson (e-mail)
  Jackie Lowe (e-mail)

Appointed Officers

Treasurer - Nick Ford

Ticket Secretary - Freddie Cossey


HMM Honours Board

The following are those people who are integral to the society off-stage. Some have been honoured by the Society and some support us by being Patrons. You can scroll down for an explanation of the different honours.

Mrs Marilyn Ford


Mrs V E Bance Mrs H G Butler Mr C J D Green Mr G Presland
Mr E Bullman Miss E H Cormack Mrs I Palmer Ms F Ruffels
Mr M J Bullman Mr D N Farnes Mr D W Perkins Mr J Smailes
Mr W Bullman Mr B Goodwins S/Ldr H E Pierson Miss B Sweet
Miss B Wilds      

Life Members

Mrs Christine Brown Mrs Sue Howlett Mrs Eileen Williams
Mrs Carol Corr Ms Eileen Popkin Mr Maurice Williams
Mrs Marilyn Ford Mr Allan Ramsay Mr Richard Williams
Mrs Louise Ford Mr Tony Road  
Mr Nick Ford Ms Muriel Widnall  

Honorary Members

Miss Christine Baker Mrs Louise Gee Mr Stuart Rush
Mrs Lesley Catchpole Mrs Marjorie Hubbard Mrs Tina Short
Mr Philip Cervini Mr Russel Lowe Mrs. Louise Smith
Mr Gordon Farrow Mr Jason Markham Mr Bob Vicary
Mr Graham Ford Mrs Sharon Markham  
Mr Roger Ford Mr Tony McKearney    



Explanation of Terms

Our President is elected each year at our Annual General Meeting and holds office for the forthcoming year. It is currently held by Mrs. Marilyn Ford.

The Vice-Presidents are largely those who Donate To HMMd money to the society back in 1975 to get us up and running and we gave them the title of Vice-Presidents to honour their support. In recent years we have had new Vice-Presidents who have Donate To HMMd money to the group and in return receive the benefits of a Patron for life (see later!)

The Life Membership honour is the highest honour we award. We give it to those people (usually ex or current members) who have given outstanding service and support to the society - usually through their service to the committee - for a substantial period of time.

Honorary Membership is the next award down from Life Membership and is awarded to those who have also given fantastic support and service to the society for a substantial period of time.

Our Patrons get benefits that the ordinary audience member wouldn't get! 
Firstly, a free ticket to one show a year!
Secondly, priority booking on all shows
Thirdly, newsletters giving them up-to-date information about HMM and invitations to social events
and finally, their name in our programmes! (and on here of course!)
Anyone can become a Patron - e-mail for more!



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